Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Can Cache Valley Virus Trash Your Manufacturing?

By Dr. Ray Nims

Cache Valley virus is a single-stranded RNA virus of family bunyavirus, genus Bunyavirus. It is enveloped and nominally 80-120 nm in diameter. Cache Valley virus was first isolated in Utah in 1956 and is carried by mosquitoes. It has since been found to be a widespread virus, having been isolated in Texas, Michigan, North Carolina, Indiana, Virginia and Maryland, for example.

source: Nims et al., BioPharm. Int. 21: 89-94, 2008

Basis of Concern. Cache Valley virus is known to infect livestock, causing birth defects. There have been two reports of encephalitic disease in humans attributed to Cache Valley virus. This virus has been isolated from biologics manufacturing processes employing Chinese hamster cell substrates on a number of occasions from 2000 to 2004 (Nims et al., BioPharm. Int. 21: 89-94, 2008). The route of entry of the virus into biologics production processes has not been established with certainty, although the use of contaminated bovine serum is considered to be the most likely source. Thus far the virus has only been known to infect manufacturing processes employing bovine serum.

Regulatory Expectations. Cache Valley virus is not mentioned specifically in any regulatory guidance, as the detection of this virus in biologics production has been reported only within the past decade. It is the intent of the guidance, however, that occurrences of viral contamination in biologics manufacturing be dealt with through implementation of specific testing methods as required to assure detection of future recurrences (e.g., ICH Q5A R1). In addition, it is expected that the route of entry of the virus be established and that the process be remediated so that future recurrences are prevented where possible (e.g., 1997 Points to Consider in the Manufacture and Testing of Monoclonal Antibody Products for Human Use).

Mitigating Risk. Although many Contract Testing laboratories offer rapid nucleic acid-based detection assays for Cache Valley virus, raw material screening for this virus using such assays does not appear to be a viable means of eliminating risk. The industry experience thus far indicates that Cache Valley virus may be a low level, non-homogeneous contaminant of bovine serum. Viral screening performed on one bottle out of a large lot of serum therefore is no guarantee that this virus will not be encountered. Elimination of animal-derived materials (esp. bovine serum) from the manufacturing process may help to reduce the risk of experiencing this virus. Should this not be possible, treatment of the serum or serum-containing media should be considered. Gamma-irradiation has been demonstrated to be effective in inactivating this virus in bovine serum (Gauvin, 2009). UVC treatment of media containing bovine serum also appears to be quite effective at inactivating Cache Valley virus (Weaver, 2009).

Conclusions. Cache Valley virus infects livestock and has been found to contaminate biologics manufacturing processes employing bovine serum. It is a virus of concern for biologics manufacturers employing bovine serum which has not been gamma-irradiated. Risk of infection of biological products with Cache Valley virus through use of bovine serum may be mitigated through implementation of gamma-irradiation of the serum, or UVC- or high-temperature short-time (HTST) treatment of media containing the serum and of viral purification processes capable of removing and inactivating enveloped viruses.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What cell line is this anyway?

By Dr. Ray Nims

For about as long as scientists have been using cell cultures in biomedical research, there have been cases of cell line misidentification. This has been especially true for continuous cell lines, with the increased probability over time of mislabeling or cross-contamination. The primary cross-contaminant historically has been HeLa, a human cervical carcinoma cell which, given the opportunity, could outgrow most other cells in culture. More recently, the use of feeder cells for the propagation of human stem cells, and the use of xenografting for the propagation of human tumor cells, has provided additional opportunities for cell line cross-contamination and misidentification.

In the past, confirmation of cell line species of origin has been the main approach for authenticating cell lines. This was done initially by karyotyping or by immunological techniques, but more recently it has been done through the technique of isoenzyme analysis. An example of an isoenzyme analysis is shown below for Peptidase B and Aspartate Aminotransferase.  These agarose gels show a positive control, a negative control (this is the band that does not line up with the others), the test article and a standard extract.  These gels confirmed the identity of the test article as mouse derived, as expected. 

Isoenzyme analysis has the advantage that it is rapid, not very technically demanding, and may be used not only to confirm species of origin but also to detect the presence of a cross-contaminating cell if the latter is present in the culture at 10% or greater (Nims et al., Sensitivity of Isoenzyme Analysis for the Detection of Interspecies Cell Line Cross-Contamination. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Animal 34:35-39, 1998). In fact, isoenzyme analysis is currently the primary method employed within the biopharmaceutical industry for cell line authentication in satisfaction of 1993 Points to Consider and ICH Q5D guidance.

Recent advances in molecular diagnostic techniques have made possible the authentication of human cell lines to the individual level. DNA fingerprinting technologies have matured to the point that some of them, especially single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing and single tandem repeat (STR) profiling, are now considered to be viable options for standardizing human cell authentication (see ATCC SDO newsletter article, page 5. For both human and animal cells, DNA fingerprinting provides a means of determining authenticity to the individual level. However, the primary drawback is that the fingerprinting techniques as routinely performed will be less or not at all useful for detecting interspecies cocultivations or cross-contaminations. For this purpose, it may be necessary to retain isoenzyme analysis as part of the authentication armament even when the molecular technologies become the definitive authentication practices for human and animal cell lines.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Got Animal-Derived Materials? Part 3

By Dr. Ray Nims

The assessment of viral and transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) risk for animal-derived materials (ADM) used in the manufacture of biologics, which we have described in previous blogs, is just one component of an overall ADM program that should be in place at each organization producing biologics.

A formal ADM program at a biologics manufacturer ideally should be driven by an overriding SOP or policy document. This should address the procedures in place for minimizing the use of ADM, for procuring ADM with a view to minimizing viral and TSE risk, and for assessing the viral and TSE risk associated with the ADM that are used. There are specific sourcing requirements for ADM that are intended to minimize TSE risk (EMEA/410/01 Rev. 2 October 2003), and these must be followed or justification provided if deviated from. The evaluation of ADM for the presence of viruses of concern is addressed in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9 Part 113.53. ADM viral and TSE risk assessments should be conducted according to a formalized procedure by teams of individuals with education, training, and/or experience appropriate for these tasks. The composition of the risk assessment teams and the qualifications of their members should be described in revisable controlled documents. The risk assessments themselves should be recorded in controlled documents which may revised as new information becomes available from the ADM suppliers. The ADM information that is used as part of the risk assessment process should be archived in a manner tying it to the risk assessment itself.

The existence of a formalized ADM program, qualified risk assessment teams, as well as reports documenting the individual ADM risk assessments may be the subject of regulatory scrutiny during periodic inspections or inspections tied to a new product application. This is especially likely if the product is intended for global distribution, as these ADM issues are specifically mentioned in EP (Chapter 5.1.7) and EMEA (EMEA/410/01 Rev. 2 October 2003) guidance.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Advantages of Compendial Methods

By Dr. Lori Nixon

When you are developing a new product specification, it is usually recommended to rely on the appropriate compendial method for applicable “generic” quality characteristics such as pH, residual solvents, trace metals, bioburden, etc. By compendial method, we mean methods that are described as chapters in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) or others that may be applicable for a specific regulatory region. The three main compendia include the USP, European Pharmacopoeia, Japanese Pharmacopeia (USP, PhEur, JP); these are the “tripartite” bodies that are involved in the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH).

photo of USP laboratories from DPR Construction Inc.

Why rely on compendial methods rather than just using your own? It is generally recommended to refer to compendial methods where applicable. The advantage to the drug sponsor is a reduced requirement for validation supporting such methods (the methods themselves are considered validated, and may only require product-specific verification in the particular testing lab). Compendial methods are “familiar” to regulatory reviewers; they are also generally expected. If you propose your own method as an alternate method, you will need to justify why your own method is equivalent or better. For the testing lab, there is some advantage in having methods that can be applied to multiple products (avoiding a multiplicity of similar methods) and where the change process is relatively well-defined and publically communicated. You may also find it simpler to transfer testing between different labs.

To reference the compendial method in your specification, you may refer simply to the test by attribute and chapter, along with the associated limit for your product. For example, your specification may include a limit of 10 EU/mL for bacterial endotoxin as measured by USP<85>. The general expectation here is that at the time of testing, the current version of USP is used. Clearly, this will require that your testing lab is aware of any potential changes to the USP and can prepare for such changes accordingly. As with any other change to an analytical method, changes to compendial methods can impact training, internal procedures, product-specific re-validation/verification, etc.

In practice, labs often rely on additional internal descriptive procedures in order to execute the compendial methods (i.e., rather than just directing analysts to follow the chapter directly). This is usually a good idea, for several reasons. It can be easier to train analysts according to a standard documentation format, and it is often necessary to describe details that may be specific to the particular lab, equipment, instrumentation, reagents, reporting requirements, etc. Again, even if there is a lab-specific procedure, it is usually best to refer directly to the compendial method (USP<85>, e.g.) in the sponsor’s product specification.

Be aware of compliance with compendial testing requirements when you are outsourcing testing. For example, almost any chemical testing lab with have a method for pH, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it will comply with USP<791>. For example, in this case the USP method describes measuring the sample temperature within a certain range; often “generic” lab methods for pH do not specify control of the sample temperature. There are additional requirements such as the calibration standards chosen, etc that must also be considered. When reviewing vendor methods, check the following:

- Does the method purport to comply with any compendia? (should be clearly stated in the vendor’s procedure if so)

- Which compendia?

- Check details of the method to ensure that it does indeed comply with the current compendial procedure(s) in question

- Does the lab have a mechanism to stay current with upcoming compendial changes?

- Do they have appropriate change control system to ensure that they can prepare for method changes and associated re-validation, etc?

- Consider what verification/validation is required to ensure that the vendor method provides reliable results for your particular product/sample type.

Of course, the downside of compendial methods is that they are region-specific, and one region may not recognize the compendia of another region. There have been efforts in recent years towards harmonizing methods (ICHQ4B for bioburden testing, for example), but this process is slow and far from complete.

If you intend to market or perform clinical trials in more than one region, you may need to ensure compliance with multiple compendia. In this case, consider the following:

• Has method been harmonized through the ICH process?

• Is it possible to create an internal “harmonized” method that meets the requirements of all relevant compendia?

• Is it possible to meet the requirements of all by following the “most stringent” compendial procedure?

• Will you need to test by multiple procedures to generate results acceptable to each region?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Should we care about…Vesiviruses?

By Ray Nims

Vesiviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses of family calicivirus, genus Vesivirus. They are non-enveloped and 30-40 nm in diameter, and the genus includes feline calicivirus, vesicular exanthema of swine virus, rabbit vesivirus, and San Miguel sea lion virus, as well as vesivirus isolate 2117.

source: Stewart McNulty, Queens University, Belfast, UK

Basis of Concern. Vesivirus 2117 has been isolated from biologics manufacturing processes employing Chinese hamster cell substrates on a number of occasions, the first being reported in 2003 (Oehmig et al., J. Gen. Virol. 84, 2837-2845, 2003), and additional occurrences being reported in 2008 and 2009.
The susceptibility of relevant manufacturing cell lines of different animal species to infection by this virus appears to be limited to the Chinese hamster. When infected, these cells undergo a relatively rapid lytic infection. The route of entry of the virus into biologics production processes has not been established with certainty, although the use of contaminated animal-derived materials, such as bovine sera, is considered to be the most likely source.

Regulatory Expectations. Vesivirus is not mentioned specifically in any regulatory guidance, as the detection of the 2117 isolate in biologics production has been reported only within the past decade. It is the intent of the guidance, however, that occurrences of viral contamination in biologics manufacturing be dealt with through implementation of specific testing methods as required to assure detection of future recurrences (e.g., ICH Q5A R1). In addition, it is expected that the route of entry of the virus be established and that the process be remediated so that future recurrences are prevented where possible (e.g., 1997 Points to Consider in the Manufacture and Testing of Monoclonal Antibody Products for Human Use).

Mitigating Risk. At least three Contract Testing laboratories have announced rapid nucleic acid-based detection assays for vesivirus isolate 2117 within the past year. These assays are available for raw material screening and for in-process testing of biologics bulk harvest samples. Elimination of animal-derived materials (esp. bovine sera) from the manufacturing process may help to reduce the risk of experiencing this virus. Should this not be possible, treatment of the sera or sera-containing media should be considered. Studies on the inactivation of caliciviruses indicate that UV treatment may be effective (Duizer et al., Appl. Env. Microbiol. 70, 4538-4543, 2004; de Roda Husman et al., Appl. Env. Microbiol. 70, 50989-5093, 2004). Gamma-irradiation at the dosages normally used does not appear to be effective, as might be expected for a virus of this relatively small size. Studies using MMV indicate that high-temperature short-time (HTST)-treatment of medium containing bovine serum is effective in inactivating this virus (Schleh et al., Biotechnol. Prog. 25: 854-860, 2009), and would by implication be effective for vesiviruses in general.

Conclusions. Vesivirus isolate 2117 preferentially infects Chinese hamster cells and has been found to contaminate biologics manufacturing processes employing this cell substrate. It is now a virus of concern for the biopharmaceutical industry. Risk of infection of biological products with vesiviruses through use of bovine-derived materials such as bovine sera may be mitigated through implementation of UV or HTST treatment of media containing the sera and of viral purification processes capable of removing and inactivating an even smaller non-enveloped virus such as MMV.